Basics SQL

Some SQL basics


Thomas H. Simm

Statements and syntax

Analysis will use the data above- from the open source Chinook Database. This can be accessed via

Select, From

The general syntax of SELECT statments is:

select FirstName, LastName from Employees ;

FirstName LastName
Andrew Adams
Nancy Edwards
Jane Peacock
Margaret Park
Steve Johnson
Michael Mitchell
Robert King
Laura Callahan

To retrieve all columns from the Employees table we could use “*” instead of specifying individual column names:

select * from Employees ;

EmployeeId LastName FirstName Title ReportsTo BirthDate HireDate Address City State Country PostalCode Phone Fax Email
1 Adams Andrew General Manager None 1962-02-18 00:00:00 2002-08-14 00:00:00 11120 Jasper Ave NW Edmonton AB Canada T5K 2N1 +1 (780) 428-9482 +1 (780) 428-3457
2 Edwards Nancy Sales Manager 1 1958-12-08 00:00:00 2002-05-01 00:00:00 825 8 Ave SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 2T3 +1 (403) 262-3443 +1 (403) 262-3322
3 Peacock Jane Sales Support Agent 2 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2002-04-01 00:00:00 1111 6 Ave SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 5M5 +1 (403) 262-3443 +1 (403) 262-6712
4 Park Margaret Sales Support Agent 2 1947-09-19 00:00:00 2003-05-03 00:00:00 683 10 Street SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 5G3 +1 (403) 263-4423 +1 (403) 263-4289
5 Johnson Steve Sales Support Agent 2 1965-03-03 00:00:00 2003-10-17 00:00:00 7727B 41 Ave Calgary AB Canada T3B 1Y7 1 (780) 836-9987 1 (780) 836-9543
6 Mitchell Michael IT Manager 1 1973-07-01 00:00:00 2003-10-17 00:00:00 5827 Bowness Road NW Calgary AB Canada T3B 0C5 +1 (403) 246-9887 +1 (403) 246-9899
7 King Robert IT Staff 6 1970-05-29 00:00:00 2004-01-02 00:00:00 590 Columbia Boulevard West Lethbridge AB Canada T1K 5N8 +1 (403) 456-9986 +1 (403) 456-8485
8 Callahan Laura IT Staff 6 1968-01-09 00:00:00 2004-03-04 00:00:00 923 7 ST NW Lethbridge AB Canada T1H 1Y8 +1 (403) 467-3351 +1 (403) 467-8772


The WHERE clause can be added to your query to filter results or get specific rows of data. To retrieve data for all rows in the Employees table where the ID is less than 5:

select * from Employees where EmployeeID < 5 ;

EmployeeId LastName FirstName Title ReportsTo BirthDate HireDate Address City State Country PostalCode Phone Fax Email
1 Adams Andrew General Manager None 1962-02-18 00:00:00 2002-08-14 00:00:00 11120 Jasper Ave NW Edmonton AB Canada T5K 2N1 +1 (780) 428-9482 +1 (780) 428-3457
2 Edwards Nancy Sales Manager 1 1958-12-08 00:00:00 2002-05-01 00:00:00 825 8 Ave SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 2T3 +1 (403) 262-3443 +1 (403) 262-3322
3 Peacock Jane Sales Support Agent 2 1973-08-29 00:00:00 2002-04-01 00:00:00 1111 6 Ave SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 5M5 +1 (403) 262-3443 +1 (403) 262-6712
4 Park Margaret Sales Support Agent 2 1947-09-19 00:00:00 2003-05-03 00:00:00 683 10 Street SW Calgary AB Canada T2P 5G3 +1 (403) 263-4423 +1 (403) 263-4289

In case of character based columns the values of the predicates in the where clause need to be enclosed in single quotes. To retrieve the data for the Employees names with First Name “Jane” we would issue:

select LastName, FirstName from Employees where FirstName = 'Jane';

LastName FirstName
Peacock Jane

In, Or, Not

In is used when we want to specify a range of conditions.

For example, find values of employees with last name Adams or Park

select FirstName, LastName from Employees

where LastName In ('Adams','Park');

FirstName LastName
Andrew Adams
Margaret Park

Can do a similar thing with the OR operator. When using OR it is often helpful to use with brackets ()

select FirstName, LastName from Employees

where (LastName = 'Adams' OR LastName ='Park');

FirstName LastName
Andrew Adams
Margaret Park

Why the order matters and use of ()

select FirstName, LastName from Employees

where LastName = 'Adams' OR LastName ='Park'

and reportsto=2;

FirstName LastName
Andrew Adams
Margaret Park

select FirstName, LastName from Employees

where (LastName = 'Adams' OR LastName ='Park')

and reportsto=2;

FirstName LastName
Margaret Park

This is because SQL processes AND before OR

In benefits over or - Long list of options - In is faster - Don’t have to consider order with IN - Can contain another select

The not command is represented as <>

for example select the titles not beginning with c

select title from albums

where substr(title,1,1) <> 'C'

For Those About To Rock We Salute You
Balls to the Wall
Restless and Wild
Let There Be Rock
Big Ones
Jagged Little Pill
Warner 25 Anos
Plays Metallica By Four Cellos

If it is used with IN then we use NOT

for example cities names not starting with a vowel

select distinct city from station

where substr(city,1,1) not in ('a','e','i','o','u')

Kissee Mills
Loma Mar
Sandy Hook


Find unique values

select distinct artistid from albums



To find parts within a string can use the % wildcard

_ works in a similar way but matches a single character (not supported by DB2)

Wildcard Action
‘%ly’ Find all strings ending ‘ly’
‘To%’ Find all strings starting ‘To’
‘ Find all gmail address strings starting ‘t’
’_ill’ Find all strings ending ill with one other chaharacter
e.g. Kill, Bill

Implementation, to implement use where and like.

Find Names ending in t

select FirstName, LastName from Employees

where FirstName like '%t';

FirstName LastName
Margaret Park
Robert King

Downsides of wildcards:

  • Takes longer to run (particularly at end of pattern
  • Better to use another operator e.g. =,>,<

Order Data

order by - take name of 1 or more columns - Can use a column not retrieved - The last clause in a statement - Can use a number to represent column number - Add dsc or asc after column name to order acending or descending

Order employee names by last name ascending then last name descending

FirstName LastName
Andrew Adams
Laura Callahan
Nancy Edwards
Steve Johnson
Robert King
Michael Mitchell
Margaret Park
Jane Peacock

Aggregate Functions

  • average average of a column (avg)
  • count counts number of values
  • min finds the minimum value
  • max finds the maximum value
  • sum sums the column values

select count(trackid) from tracks

where albumid = 10


Group by and Having

Do the same command as above but with group by, instead of where need to use having after the group by statement

where filters before data is grouped and having after data is grouped

select count(trackid) from tracks

group by albumid

having albumid = 10


or could get the number of tracks in all albums

select count(trackid) from tracks

group by albumid



  • A window function performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row.

  • Comparable to the type of calculation that can be done with an aggregate function.

  • Unlike regular aggregate functions, windowing does not cause rows to become grouped into a single output row — the rows retain their separate identities.

  • Behind the scenes, the window function is able to access more than just the current row of the query result.

For example, compare each song track’s length to the average salength for each composer

select composer, name,

milliseconds/(1000*60) AS track_length,

avg(milliseconds/(1000*60)) over (partition by composer) AS avg_track_length

from ah_uyekita.chinook_track

composer name track_length avg_track_length
Aaron Copland Fanfare for the Common Man 3.3011 3.3011
Aaron Goldberg OAM’s Blues 4.4489 4.4489
A.Bouchard/J.Bouchard/S.Pearlman Astronomy 6.6255 6.6255
AC/DC Let There Be Rock 6.1109 5.1110
AC/DC Overdose 6.1553 5.1110
AC/DC Problem Child 5.4173 5.1110
AC/DC Bad Boy Boogie 4.4621 5.1110
AC/DC Go Down 5.5197 5.1110

Window functions

  • CUME_DIST Calculate the cumulative distribution of a value in a set of values
  • DENSE_RANK Assign a rank value to each row within a partition of a result, with no gaps in rank values.
  • FIRST_VALUE Get the value of the first row in an ordered partition of a result set.
  • LAG Provide access to a row at a given physical offset that comes before the current row.
  • LAST_VALUE Get the value of the last row in an ordered partition of a result set.
  • LEAD Provide access to a row at a given physical offset that follows the current row.
  • NTILE Distribute rows of an ordered partition into a number of groups or buckets
  • PERCENT_RANK Calculate the percent rank of a value in a set of values.
  • RANK Assign a rank value to each row within a partition of a result set
  • ROW_NUMBER Assign a unique sequential integer to rows within a partition of a result set, the first row starts from 1.


These are queries within other queries Which merge data from multiple sources together

get customerid and city when their invoice total is more than 20

select CustomerID, City

from customers

where customerid in (select customerid

from invoices

where total>20)

CustomerId City
6 Prague
26 Fort Worth
45 Budapest
46 Dublin

How many albums does the band LEd Zeppelin have?

select count(*)

from albums

where artistid IN

(select artistid

from artists

where Name ='Led Zeppelin')


Or what are the name of the tracks for the artist Audioslave?

select Name

from tracks

where albumid IN

(select albumid

from albums

where artistid IN

(select artistid

from artists

where Name ='Audioslave'))

Show Me How to Live
What You Are
Like a Stone
Set It Off
Shadow on the Sun
I am the Highway


  • efficient storage
  • easier manipulation
  • greater scalability
  • logically models a process
  • tables are related through common values or keys
  • data retrival from multiple tables in one query
  • only persist for the duration of the query

Cartesian cross joins

  • each row from first table joins with all rows from the other table
  • output size of joins in A multiplied rows in B
  • computationally taxing
  • rarely used

select a.title, from albums as a

cross join artists as ar

order by a.title

Title Name
…And Justice For All AC/DC
…And Justice For All Accept

total rows = 95425

total rows of albums = 347

total rows of artists = 275

Inner join

  • select records that have matching values in both tables
  • Use on to select what joining on
  • joining more table affects database performance
  • Can join multiple tables- no limit

For example get the artist name and title of each album. N.B. albums has columns AlbumID, Title and ArtistID only

select artists.Name, albums.Title

from artists


on artists.artistid = albums.artistID

Name Title
AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You
AC/DC Let There Be Rock
Accept Balls to the Wall
Accept Restless and Wild
Aerosmith Big Ones
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill
Alice In Chains Facelift
Antônio Carlos Jobim Warner 25 Anos
Antônio Carlos Jobim Chill: Brazil (Disc 2)
Apocalyptica Plays Metallica By Four Cellos

Or as a multiple join

SELECT o.orderId, c.CompanyName, e.LastName

FROM ((orders o INNER JOIN customers c ON o.customerID = c.CustomerID)

`INNER JOIN employees e ON o.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID);

Self joins

  • Takes the table and treats it like two separate tables
  • Join the original table to itself

For example, match cities from the same state

select,A.state,, B.state

from station A, station B


and A.state=B.state

order by A.state;

city A state A city B state B
Seward AK Seward AK
Chignik Lagoon AK Chignik Lagoon AK
Five Points AL Five Points AL
Groveoak AL Groveoak AL
Notasulga AL Notasulga AL
Jackson AL Jackson AL
…. …. …. ….

Advanced Joins

Left Joins

Returns all records from the left table and the matched records from the righ table

The result is NULL from the right hand side if there is no match

Right joins are the same but from the RHS. Can be converted to left join by reversing the order

For example, find all the customers who have an invoice

select c.FirstNAme, c.LastName, i.InvoiceId

from customers c

LEFT JOIN invoices i on c.customerid = i.customerid

order by c.customerid

FirstName LastName InvoiceId
Luís Gonçalves 98
Luís Gonçalves 121
Luís Gonçalves 143
Luís Gonçalves 195
Luís Gonçalves 316
Luís Gonçalves 327
Luís Gonçalves 382
Leonie Köhler 1
Leonie Köhler 12
Leonie Köhler 67
Leonie Köhler 196
Leonie Köhler 219
Leonie Köhler 241
Leonie Köhler 293
François Tremblay 99

Full outer join

Returns all records where there is a match in either table

“Give me everything”

select c.FirstNAme, c.LastName, i.InvoiceId

from customers c

FULL OUTER JOIN invoices i on c.customerid = i.customerid

order by c.customerid


Combine two or more select statements - Each select must have the same number of columns - Columns must have similar data types - Columns in the same order - Less commonly used

e.g. combine two string statements, the first a list of occupations and the second a summary of the above

(select concat(name,'(',substr(occupation,1,1),')') from occupations)


(select concat('There are a total number of ',count(*),' ',occupation,'s.')

from occupations

group by occupation

order by count(occupation));


Returns part of a string

substr(string name, string position, number of characters to return)

If string position is negative counts from the end

e.g., find city names that start and end with a vowel

select city from station

where substr(city,1,1) in ('a','e','i','o','u')

and substr(city,-1,1) in ('a','e','i','o','u')


Limit 1 limit the results to 1

concat combine multiple parts

select concat(name, '(', substr(occupation,1,1), ')')

from occupations


rounds X to 5 decimal places

or round(x) to nearest integer


Mode seems like a good free way to perform SQL. I’ve yet to work out if the course provided me a link to access datasets or if these are freely available for everyone opeing a new account. The website is not easy to navigate and I only found access to my workspaces from a link I saved and not from links on the website.

Spark SQL
