Olympics data with SQL and pandas- create the tables

Splitting up and cleaning Olympic dataset


Thomas H. Simm


Two csv files (representing two different tables) were imported to databricks.

The main table (athlete_events) consists of 270,000 rows, whereas the unique names in the table are 135,000, or around half the total.

  • Lots of columns and lots that are objects,
    • so we want to refine this by reducing columns and making it an integer or something smaller than object if possible
  • There are some NaN values, particularly for height/weight at earlier games and also for medals
  • An athlete can be represented in several rows if they do multiple events or at different games (e.g. Christine Jacoba Aaftink). So we may want a seperate ID that incorporate the athlete and the event/games that is unique
  • The TEAM, NOC we only want one identifier and a seperate table for countries

The first step was to split the table up. - First the users are split up based on whether they are male or female and whether they are in the summer or winter games. So split into 4. - Secondly not all data is needed for these athletes table, so instead of 15 columns this is reduced to 9 - Thirdly, the size of these athlete table is reduced by replacing several variables from string to int to reduce the size. Since for example, there is only a limited number of events.

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the tables described above was developed as shown below.

Those highlighted in blue and light blue would require additional data, the darkness of blue representing how much new data is needed.

Lucid Chart was used to produce the ERD

N.B. Most of these are steps not really necessary for this dataset, but I wanted to practice SQL (and pandas). If this was a real world problem I would weigh up the benefits of the splitting in terms of my time and computation to see if it was really necessary.

Creating a country table

In a separate page (https://thomashsimm.com/sql/pandas/python/olympics/2022/07/29/OlympicsSQL_createCountryDF.html) I show how I created the country table.

I also made some slight changes to the two main DataFrames df2 and df. Basically just to change the country label and add unique athlete and athlete + event ids

df= df.reset_index()


The main part is to get rid of some duplicate NOC values, mostly correct but will not work in some regards e.g. China and Hong Kong.

# This gets region (or countries) which are repeated with different NOC values
d1=sqldf("SELECT                              \
       NOC, region,notes,count(*)             \
       FROM df2                               \
       GROUP BY region                        \
       HAVING COUNT(*)>1                      \
       ORDER BY count(*) DESC;",locals())

# this then creates a table with one NOC per region and the original NOC values
# we'll use the new NOC (one per region) a the new index
d2=sqldf("SELECT                              \
       d1.NOC as new_NOC,df2.NOC orig_NOC,df2.region,df2.notes             \
       FROM d1                                \
       LEFT JOIN df2                          \
       ON d1.region=df2.region                \
      ORDER BY df2.region DESC;",locals())
# then replace the regions with several NOC values with the new one
for i,old_NOC in enumerate(d2.orig_NOC):
df= pd.read_csv("athlete_events.csv")
    df.drop(columns='Unnamed: 0',inplace=True)

Look at the data

# !pip install pandasql
import pandas as pd
from pandasql import sqldf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re 

event_athlete_ID athlete_ID Name Sex Age Height Weight Team NOC Games Year Season City Sport Event Medal
0 0 1 A Dijiang M 24.0 180.0 80.0 China CHN 1992 Summer 1992 Summer Barcelona Basketball Basketball Men's Basketball NaN
1 1 2 A Lamusi M 23.0 170.0 60.0 China CHN 2012 Summer 2012 Summer London Judo Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight NaN
2 2 3 Gunnar Nielsen Aaby M 24.0 NaN NaN Denmark DEN 1920 Summer 1920 Summer Antwerpen Football Football Men's Football NaN
3 3 4 Edgar Lindenau Aabye M 34.0 NaN NaN Denmark/Sweden DEN 1900 Summer 1900 Summer Paris Tug-Of-War Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War Gold
4 4 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 21.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1988 Winter 1988 Winter Calgary Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
271111 271111 135569 Andrzej ya M 29.0 179.0 89.0 Poland-1 POL 1976 Winter 1976 Winter Innsbruck Luge Luge Mixed (Men)'s Doubles NaN
271112 271112 135570 Piotr ya M 27.0 176.0 59.0 Poland POL 2014 Winter 2014 Winter Sochi Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Large Hill, Individual NaN
271113 271113 135570 Piotr ya M 27.0 176.0 59.0 Poland POL 2014 Winter 2014 Winter Sochi Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Large Hill, Team NaN
271114 271114 135571 Tomasz Ireneusz ya M 30.0 185.0 96.0 Poland POL 1998 Winter 1998 Winter Nagano Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four NaN
271115 271115 135571 Tomasz Ireneusz ya M 34.0 185.0 96.0 Poland POL 2002 Winter 2002 Winter Salt Lake City Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four NaN

271116 rows × 16 columns

event_athlete_ID      int64
athlete_ID            int64
Name                 object
Sex                  object
Age                 float64
Height              float64
Weight              float64
Team                 object
NOC                  object
Games                object
Year                  int64
Season               object
City                 object
Sport                object
Event                object
Medal                object
dtype: object
event_athlete_ID athlete_ID Age Height Weight Year
count 271116.000000 271116.000000 261642.000000 210945.000000 208241.000000 271116.000000
mean 135557.500000 68248.954396 25.556898 175.338970 70.702393 1978.378480
std 78264.592128 39022.286345 6.393561 10.518462 14.348020 29.877632
min 0.000000 1.000000 10.000000 127.000000 25.000000 1896.000000
25% 67778.750000 34643.000000 21.000000 168.000000 60.000000 1960.000000
50% 135557.500000 68205.000000 24.000000 175.000000 70.000000 1988.000000
75% 203336.250000 102097.250000 28.000000 183.000000 79.000000 2002.000000
max 271115.000000 135571.000000 97.000000 226.000000 214.000000 2016.000000

Create all_athletes table

Because we are splitting the athlete data based on Summer/Winter and Male/Female we need a folder to be able to join or access different parts of the individual athlete tables.

df= df.reset_index()
event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID athlete_ID Name Sex Age Height Weight Team NOC Games Year Season City Sport Event Medal
0 0 0 1 A Dijiang M 24.0 180.0 80.0 China CHN 1992 Summer 1992 Summer Barcelona Basketball Basketball Men's Basketball NaN
1 1 1 2 A Lamusi M 23.0 170.0 60.0 China CHN 2012 Summer 2012 Summer London Judo Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight NaN
2 2 2 3 Gunnar Nielsen Aaby M 24.0 NaN NaN Denmark DEN 1920 Summer 1920 Summer Antwerpen Football Football Men's Football NaN
3 3 3 4 Edgar Lindenau Aabye M 34.0 NaN NaN Denmark/Sweden DEN 1900 Summer 1900 Summer Paris Tug-Of-War Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War Gold
4 4 4 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 21.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1988 Winter 1988 Winter Calgary Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
5 5 5 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 21.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1988 Winter 1988 Winter Calgary Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres NaN
6 6 6 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 25.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1992 Winter 1992 Winter Albertville Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
7 7 7 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 25.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1992 Winter 1992 Winter Albertville Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres NaN
8 8 8 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 27.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1994 Winter 1994 Winter Lillehammer Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
9 9 9 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 27.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1994 Winter 1994 Winter Lillehammer Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres NaN
event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID athlete_ID Name Sex Season
0 0 0 1 A Dijiang M Summer
1 1 1 2 A Lamusi M Summer
2 2 2 3 Gunnar Nielsen Aaby M Summer
3 3 3 4 Edgar Lindenau Aabye M Summer
4 4 4 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F Winter
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
271111 271111 271111 135569 Andrzej ya M Winter
271112 271112 271112 135570 Piotr ya M Winter
271113 271113 271113 135570 Piotr ya M Winter
271114 271114 271114 135571 Tomasz Ireneusz ya M Winter
271115 271115 271115 135571 Tomasz Ireneusz ya M Winter

271116 rows × 6 columns

Creating an Events Table

In this table the individual events are displayed. e.g. 100m Mens Sprint Athletics or Womens Football

print("There are {} unique sports and {} unique events ".format(len(pd.unique(df.Sport)), len(pd.unique(df.Event))))
There are 66 unique sports and 765 unique events 

Because of the way that events are named they won’t be duplicated, e.g. 400m breaststroke swimming will be different from 400m athletics running because the name is prefixed with Athletics Women, Swimming Men etc

Instead of using one hot encoding (get_dummies for pandas as done with medals) we want a different number for each unique event in one column. To do this we can use factorize


will give us a variable where - aa[0] is a list of numbers of length of rows in df, where each value represents a different event - aa[1] is then a list of the events of length of the unique events, aa[1][0] is event = 0, aa[1][1] is event = 1 etc - so below aa[1][0] = ‘Basketball Men’s Basketball’ and each row in the df with this event will have a 0 in aa[0]

event_details[1][0:100], event_details[0][1:10]
(Index(['Basketball Men's Basketball', 'Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight',
        'Football Men's Football', 'Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War',
        'Speed Skating Women's 500 metres',
        'Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres',
        'Cross Country Skiing Men's 10 kilometres',
        'Cross Country Skiing Men's 50 kilometres',
        'Cross Country Skiing Men's 10/15 kilometres Pursuit',
        'Cross Country Skiing Men's 4 x 10 kilometres Relay',
        'Cross Country Skiing Men's 30 kilometres',
        'Athletics Women's 100 metres',
        'Athletics Women's 4 x 100 metres Relay', 'Ice Hockey Men's Ice Hockey',
        'Swimming Men's 400 metres Freestyle', 'Badminton Men's Singles',
        'Sailing Women's Windsurfer', 'Biathlon Women's 7.5 kilometres Sprint',
        'Swimming Men's 200 metres Breaststroke',
        'Swimming Men's 400 metres Breaststroke',
        'Gymnastics Men's Individual All-Around',
        'Gymnastics Men's Team All-Around', 'Gymnastics Men's Floor Exercise',
        'Gymnastics Men's Horse Vault', 'Gymnastics Men's Parallel Bars',
        'Gymnastics Men's Horizontal Bar', 'Gymnastics Men's Rings',
        'Gymnastics Men's Pommelled Horse', 'Athletics Men's Shot Put',
        'Art Competitions Mixed Sculpturing, Unknown Event',
        'Alpine Skiing Men's Downhill', 'Alpine Skiing Men's Super G',
        'Alpine Skiing Men's Giant Slalom', 'Alpine Skiing Men's Slalom',
        'Alpine Skiing Men's Combined', 'Handball Women's Handball',
        'Weightlifting Women's Super-Heavyweight',
        'Wrestling Men's Light-Heavyweight, Greco-Roman',
        'Speed Skating Men's 500 metres', 'Speed Skating Men's 1,500 metres',
        'Gymnastics Men's Team All-Around, Free System', 'Luge Women's Singles',
        'Water Polo Men's Water Polo', 'Sailing Mixed Three Person Keelboat',
        'Hockey Women's Hockey', 'Rowing Men's Lightweight Double Sculls',
        'Athletics Men's Pole Vault', 'Athletics Men's High Jump',
        'Sailing Men's Two Person Dinghy', 'Athletics Men's 1,500 metres',
        'Bobsleigh Men's Four', 'Swimming Men's 100 metres Butterfly',
        'Swimming Men's 200 metres Butterfly',
        'Swimming Men's 4 x 100 metres Medley Relay',
        'Football Women's Football', 'Fencing Men's Foil, Individual',
        'Fencing Men's epee, Individual', 'Fencing Men's epee, Team',
        'Speed Skating Men's 5,000 metres', 'Speed Skating Men's 10,000 metres',
        'Sailing Mixed 8 metres', 'Equestrianism Mixed Jumping, Individual',
        'Cross Country Skiing Men's 15 kilometres',
        'Shooting Men's Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres',
        'Shooting Men's Rapid-Fire Pistol, 25 metres', 'Shooting Men's Trap',
        'Athletics Men's 4 x 100 metres Relay', 'Athletics Men's Long Jump',
        'Boxing Men's Light-Welterweight', 'Athletics Women's Javelin Throw',
        'Wrestling Men's Heavyweight, Freestyle', 'Taekwondo Men's Flyweight',
        'Boxing Men's Heavyweight', 'Athletics Men's 5,000 metres',
        'Cycling Men's Road Race, Individual', 'Cycling Men's Road Race, Team',
        'Weightlifting Men's Lightweight', 'Weightlifting Men's Middleweight',
        'Rowing Men's Coxless Pairs', 'Judo Men's Half-Middleweight',
        'Taekwondo Women's Flyweight', 'Boxing Men's Flyweight',
        'Basketball Women's Basketball', 'Diving Men's Platform',
        'Canoeing Men's Canadian Doubles, 500 metres',
        'Canoeing Men's Canadian Doubles, 1,000 metres',
        'Canoeing Men's Kayak Fours, 1,000 metres', 'Handball Men's Handball',
        'Rowing Women's Coxless Pairs', 'Boxing Men's Middleweight',
        'Judo Men's Lightweight', 'Boxing Men's Featherweight',
        'Tennis Men's Doubles', 'Shooting Mixed Skeet',
        'Wrestling Men's Featherweight, Freestyle',
        'Sailing Mixed Two Person Heavyweight Dinghy',
        'Athletics Women's Shot Put', 'Rowing Men's Coxed Eights',
        'Cycling Women's Sprint', 'Cycling Women's 500 metres Time Trial'],
 array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5], dtype=int64))
event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID event_id athlete_ID Name Sex Age Height Weight Team NOC Games Year Season City Sport Event Medal
0 0 0 0 1 A Dijiang M 24.0 180.0 80.0 China CHN 1992 Summer 1992 Summer Barcelona Basketball Basketball Men's Basketball NaN
1 1 1 1 2 A Lamusi M 23.0 170.0 60.0 China CHN 2012 Summer 2012 Summer London Judo Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight NaN
2 2 2 2 3 Gunnar Nielsen Aaby M 24.0 NaN NaN Denmark DEN 1920 Summer 1920 Summer Antwerpen Football Football Men's Football NaN
3 3 3 3 4 Edgar Lindenau Aabye M 34.0 NaN NaN Denmark/Sweden DEN 1900 Summer 1900 Summer Paris Tug-Of-War Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War Gold
4 4 4 4 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 21.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1988 Winter 1988 Winter Calgary Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
5 5 5 5 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 21.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1988 Winter 1988 Winter Calgary Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres NaN
6 6 6 4 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 25.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1992 Winter 1992 Winter Albertville Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
7 7 7 5 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 25.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1992 Winter 1992 Winter Albertville Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres NaN
8 8 8 4 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 27.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1994 Winter 1994 Winter Lillehammer Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres NaN
9 9 9 5 5 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F 27.0 185.0 82.0 Netherlands NED 1994 Winter 1994 Winter Lillehammer Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 1,000 metres NaN
df_event = pd.DataFrame(event_details[1])
0 Basketball Men's Basketball
1 Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight
2 Football Men's Football
3 Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War
4 Speed Skating Women's 500 metres
... ...
760 Weightlifting Men's All-Around Dumbbell Contest
761 Archery Men's Au Chapelet, 33 metres
762 Archery Men's Au Cordon Dore, 33 metres
763 Archery Men's Target Archery, 28 metres, Indiv...
764 Aeronautics Mixed Aeronautics

765 rows × 1 columns

df_event = df[['Sport','Event','Sex','Season']]



event_id sport_id Sport Event Sex Season
0 0 0 Basketball Basketball Men's Basketball M Summer
1 1 1 Judo Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight M Summer
2 2 2 Football Football Men's Football M Summer
3 3 3 Tug-Of-War Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War M Summer
4 4 4 Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres F Winter
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
271111 461 18 Luge Luge Mixed (Men)'s Doubles M Winter
271112 418 48 Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Large Hill, Individual M Winter
271113 419 48 Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Large Hill, Team M Winter
271114 50 22 Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four M Winter
271115 50 22 Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four M Winter

271116 rows × 6 columns

df_event = df_event.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
event_id sport_id Sport Event Sex Season
0 0 0 Basketball Basketball Men's Basketball M Summer
1 1 1 Judo Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight M Summer
2 2 2 Football Football Men's Football M Summer
3 3 3 Tug-Of-War Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War M Summer
4 4 4 Speed Skating Speed Skating Women's 500 metres F Winter
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
824 221 10 Sailing Sailing Mixed 7 metres F Summer
825 333 10 Sailing Sailing Mixed 6 metres F Summer
826 764 65 Aeronautics Aeronautics Mixed Aeronautics M Summer
827 677 13 Art Competitions Art Competitions Mixed Sculpturing, Medals And... F Summer
828 648 13 Art Competitions Art Competitions Mixed Unknown Event F Summer

829 rows × 6 columns

An additional columns in event_table

Lets add a column representing if the sport is a team sport or individual. We can’t do this on the unique members of a team in that event because the team can have multiple members in an individual event. Instead, we can look for how many people took the gold medal. Should work for most circumstances as the gold shouldn’t be shared- so if 2 people won gold it should represent a team sport of 2 people.

This is a little convoluted so I’ll do it in two steps in SQL. One way to calculate and one to join this new table back in with df_event

df_event_temp=sqldf("SELECT                   \
      event_id,event,num_athletes    \
      FROM                                    \
      (SELECT                                 \
          event,                              \
          event_id,                           \
          COUNT(*)    as num_athletes         \
      FROM df                                 \
      WHERE Medal='Gold'                      \
      GROUP BY Team, event_id, Games          \
      ORDER BY event_id                       \
      )                                       \
      GROUP BY event_id                       \
                    ;",   locals())                               

event_id event num_athletes
0 0 Basketball Men's Basketball 12
1 1 Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight 1
2 2 Football Men's Football 16
3 3 Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War 6
4 4 Speed Skating Women's 500 metres 1
... ... ... ...
745 760 Weightlifting Men's All-Around Dumbbell Contest 1
746 761 Archery Men's Au Chapelet, 33 metres 1
747 762 Archery Men's Au Cordon Dore, 33 metres 1
748 763 Archery Men's Target Archery, 28 metres, Indiv... 1
749 764 Aeronautics Mixed Aeronautics 1

750 rows × 3 columns

df_event_temp      = sqldf("SELECT                                \
                      d.event_id,                            \
                      d.sport_id,                            \
                      d.Sport,                               \
                      d.Event,                               \
                      d.Sex,                                 \
                      d.Season,                              \
                      t.num_athletes                         \
                FROM df_event  as d                          \
                LEFT JOIN                                    \
                    df_event_temp  as t                      \
                ON                                           \
                    t.event_id=d.event_id                    \
                ORDER BY d.event_id                          \
# df_event_temp[((df_event_temp.Sex=='F') & (df_event_temp.Season=='Winter'))].head(30)


And make the last column int not float (CAST didn’t seem to work perhaps due to NaN values?)

df_event = df_event.astype({'num_athletes':'int'})
# sanity check
df_event[((df_event['num_athletes']==4) & (df_event['Season']=='Winter'))]
event_id sport_id Sport Event Sex Season num_athletes
9 9 5 Cross Country Skiing Cross Country Skiing Men's 4 x 10 kilometres R... M Winter 4
53 50 22 Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four M Winter 4
215 204 40 Nordic Combined Nordic Combined Men's Team M Winter 4
238 226 11 Biathlon Biathlon Men's 4 x 7.5 kilometres Relay M Winter 4
274 259 11 Biathlon Biathlon Mixed 2 x 6 kilometres and 2 x 7.5 ki... M Winter 4
275 259 11 Biathlon Biathlon Mixed 2 x 6 kilometres and 2 x 7.5 ki... F Winter 4
330 310 11 Biathlon Biathlon Women's 4 x 7.5 kilometres Relay F Winter 4
451 419 48 Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Large Hill, Team M Winter 4
470 435 52 Short Track Speed Skating Short Track Speed Skating Men's 5,000 metres R... M Winter 4
478 443 11 Biathlon Biathlon Women's 4 x 6 kilometres Relay F Winter 4
504 466 5 Cross Country Skiing Cross Country Skiing Women's 4 x 5 kilometres ... F Winter 4
510 472 22 Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four/Five M Winter 4
533 492 52 Short Track Speed Skating Short Track Speed Skating Women's 3,000 metres... F Winter 4
615 572 18 Luge Luge Mixed Team Relay M Winter 4
616 572 18 Luge Luge Mixed Team Relay F Winter 4
640 594 59 Military Ski Patrol Military Ski Patrol Men's Military Ski Patrol M Winter 4
(       Sport                  Event Sex
 255927  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   M
 258882  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   M
 262369  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   F
 267369  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   M
 268477  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   M
 270261  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   M,
      event_id  sport_id Sport                  Event Sex  Season  num_athletes
 615       572        18  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   M  Winter             4
 616       572        18  Luge  Luge Mixed Team Relay   F  Winter             4)

Add a Games table

The games table is used to give information about a particular Olympic games including - Where it was staged - Is it a summer or winter games - The year it was staged

Using the same methodology as before we want to - create a unique id for the games - replace this in the athlete tables - add a new table with the unique id and additional information about the particular games

This is more complex than the events table because we want to add additional data about the cities where the games were held. This data is obtained from wikipedia as before. So some of the methodology used in creating the country table is used here.

There’s a strange thing that there are two summer games in one year

# event_details=pd.factorize(pd.lib.fast_zip([df.Games, df.City]))
tuples = df[['Games', 'City']].apply(tuple, axis=1)
event_details = pd.factorize( tuples )
event_details[1][0:10], event_details[0][1:10],len(event_details[1]),len(event_details[0])
(Index([   ('1896 Summer', 'Athina'),     ('1900 Summer', 'Paris'),
        ('1904 Summer', 'St. Louis'),    ('1906 Summer', 'Athina'),
           ('1908 Summer', 'London'), ('1912 Summer', 'Stockholm'),
        ('1920 Summer', 'Antwerpen'),  ('1924 Winter', 'Chamonix'),
            ('1924 Summer', 'Paris'), ('1928 Summer', 'Amsterdam')],
 array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int64),
event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID event_id games_id athlete_ID Name Sex Age Height Weight Team NOC Games Year Season City Sport Event Medal
3079 3079 3079 191 0 1724 Aristidis Akratopoulos M NaN NaN NaN Greece CRT 1896 Summer 1896 Summer Athina Tennis Tennis Men's Singles NaN
3080 3080 3080 92 0 1724 Aristidis Akratopoulos M NaN NaN NaN Greece-3 CRT 1896 Summer 1896 Summer Athina Tennis Tennis Men's Doubles NaN
3081 3081 3081 191 0 1725 Konstantinos "Kostas" Akratopoulos M NaN NaN NaN Greece CRT 1896 Summer 1896 Summer Athina Tennis Tennis Men's Singles NaN
3082 3082 3082 92 0 1725 Konstantinos "Kostas" Akratopoulos M NaN NaN NaN Greece-3 CRT 1896 Summer 1896 Summer Athina Tennis Tennis Men's Doubles NaN
7348 7348 7348 100 0 4113 Anastasios Andreou M NaN NaN NaN Greece CRT 1896 Summer 1896 Summer Athina Athletics Athletics Men's 110 metres Hurdles NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
271024 271024 271024 15 51 135528 Marc Zwiebler M 32.0 181.0 75.0 Germany FRG 2016 Summer 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro Badminton Badminton Men's Singles NaN
271053 271053 271053 11 51 135547 Viktoriya Viktorovna Zyabkina F 23.0 174.0 62.0 Kazakhstan KAZ 2016 Summer 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro Athletics Athletics Women's 100 metres NaN
271054 271054 271054 174 51 135547 Viktoriya Viktorovna Zyabkina F 23.0 174.0 62.0 Kazakhstan KAZ 2016 Summer 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro Athletics Athletics Women's 200 metres NaN
271055 271055 271055 12 51 135547 Viktoriya Viktorovna Zyabkina F 23.0 174.0 62.0 Kazakhstan KAZ 2016 Summer 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro Athletics Athletics Women's 4 x 100 metres Relay NaN
271110 271110 271110 82 51 135568 Olga Igorevna Zyuzkova F 33.0 171.0 69.0 Belarus BLR 2016 Summer 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro Basketball Basketball Women's Basketball NaN

271116 rows × 19 columns

games_id Games
0 1896 Summer 380
1 1900 Summer 1936
2 1904 Summer 1301
3 1906 Summer 1733
4 1908 Summer 3101
5 1912 Summer 4040
6 1920 Summer 4292
7 1924 Winter 460
8 1924 Summer 5233
9 1928 Summer 4992
10 1928 Winter 582
11 1932 Winter 352
12 1932 Summer 2969
13 1936 Summer 6506
14 1936 Winter 895
15 1948 Summer 6405
16 1948 Winter 1075
17 1952 Summer 8270
18 1952 Winter 1088
19 1956 Winter 1307
20 1956 Summer 4829
21 1956 Summer 298
22 1960 Summer 8119
23 1960 Winter 1116
24 1964 Winter 1778
25 1964 Summer 7702
26 1968 Winter 1891
27 1968 Summer 8588
28 1972 Summer 10304
29 1972 Winter 1655
30 1976 Winter 1861
31 1976 Summer 8641
32 1980 Winter 1746
33 1980 Summer 7191
34 1984 Summer 9454
35 1984 Winter 2134
36 1988 Winter 2639
37 1988 Summer 12037
38 1992 Winter 3436
39 1992 Summer 12977
40 1994 Winter 3160
41 1996 Summer 13780
42 1998 Winter 3605
43 2000 Summer 13821
44 2002 Winter 4109
45 2004 Summer 13443
46 2006 Winter 4382
47 2008 Summer 13602
48 2010 Winter 4402
49 2012 Summer 12920
50 2014 Winter 4891
51 2016 Summer 13688
# Load the games table 
df_games = pd.read_excel('CitiesOlympics.xlsx',sheet_name=0)

# then sort by year and city like did with df, reset the index
# and replace games_id with new ordered index

## sanity check to see if the two tables for games match
# sanity

pd.concat([df_games[['City','Year','Summer']], dtemp ], axis=1)

City Year Summer games_id Games City Year
0 Athens 1896 1 0 1896 Summer Athina 380
1 Paris 1900 1 1 1900 Summer Paris 1936
2 St. Louis 1904 1 2 1904 Summer St. Louis 1301
3 Athens 1906 1 3 1906 Summer Athina 1733
4 London 1908 1 4 1908 Summer London 3101
5 Stockholm 1912 1 5 1912 Summer Stockholm 4040
6 Antwerp 1920 1 6 1920 Summer Antwerpen 4292
7 Chamonix 1924 0 7 1924 Winter Chamonix 460
8 Paris 1924 1 8 1924 Summer Paris 5233
9 Amsterdam 1928 1 9 1928 Summer Amsterdam 4992
10 St. Moritz 1928 0 10 1928 Winter Sankt Moritz 582
11 Lake Placid 1932 0 11 1932 Winter Lake Placid 352
12 Los Angeles 1932 1 12 1932 Summer Los Angeles 2969
13 Berlin 1936 1 13 1936 Summer Berlin 6506
14 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 0 14 1936 Winter Garmisch-Partenkirchen 895
15 London 1948 1 15 1948 Summer London 6405
16 St. Moritz 1948 0 16 1948 Winter Sankt Moritz 1075
17 Helsinki 1952 1 17 1952 Summer Helsinki 8270
18 Oslo 1952 0 18 1952 Winter Oslo 1088
19 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956 0 19 1956 Winter Cortina d'Ampezzo 1307
20 Melbourne 1956 1 20 1956 Summer Melbourne 4829
21 Stockholm 1956 0 21 1956 Summer Stockholm 298
22 Rome 1960 1 22 1960 Summer Roma 8119
23 Squaw Valley 1960 0 23 1960 Winter Squaw Valley 1116
24 Innsbruck 1964 0 24 1964 Winter Innsbruck 1778
25 Tokyo 1964 1 25 1964 Summer Tokyo 7702
26 Grenoble 1968 0 26 1968 Winter Grenoble 1891
27 Mexico City 1968 1 27 1968 Summer Mexico City 8588
28 Munich 1972 1 28 1972 Summer Munich 10304
29 Sapporo 1972 0 29 1972 Winter Sapporo 1655
30 Innsbruck 1976 0 30 1976 Winter Innsbruck 1861
31 Montreal 1976 1 31 1976 Summer Montreal 8641
32 Lake Placid 1980 0 32 1980 Winter Lake Placid 1746
33 Moscow 1980 1 33 1980 Summer Moskva 7191
34 Los Angeles 1984 1 34 1984 Summer Los Angeles 9454
35 Sarajevo 1984 0 35 1984 Winter Sarajevo 2134
36 Calgary 1988 0 36 1988 Winter Calgary 2639
37 Seoul 1988 1 37 1988 Summer Seoul 12037
38 Albertville 1992 0 38 1992 Winter Albertville 3436
39 Barcelona 1992 1 39 1992 Summer Barcelona 12977
40 Lillehammer 1994 0 40 1994 Winter Lillehammer 3160
41 Atlanta 1996 1 41 1996 Summer Atlanta 13780
42 Nagano 1998 0 42 1998 Winter Nagano 3605
43 Sydney 2000 1 43 2000 Summer Sydney 13821
44 Salt Lake City 2002 0 44 2002 Winter Salt Lake City 4109
45 Athens 2004 1 45 2004 Summer Athina 13443
46 Turin 2006 0 46 2006 Winter Torino 4382
47 Beijing 2008 1 47 2008 Summer Beijing 13602
48 Vancouver 2010 0 48 2010 Winter Vancouver 4402
49 London 2012 1 49 2012 Summer London 12920
50 Sochi 2014 0 50 2014 Winter Sochi 4891
51 Rio de Janeiro 2016 1 51 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro 13688
import re

# starts with a digit (at start of string) or '.'- goes on for undefinable length  
# starts with a comma then spaces then digits or '.'

test_string = df_games.iloc[1,-2]
a=re.search(regex_pattern2, test_string)

for i in range(len(df_games)):
#     print(df_games.iloc[i,-2])
        df_games.iloc[i,-1]= re.search(regex_pattern2,df_games.iloc[i,-2])[0][2:] 
        df_games.iloc[i,-2]= re.search(regex_pattern,df_games.iloc[i,-2])[0] 
48.8566° N, 2.3522°
def getNation(region_to_check):
    import re    
    if region_to_check=='United States':
        region_out = 'USA'
    elif bool(re.search(r'Germany', region_to_check)):
    elif region_to_check=='United Kingdom':
        region_out = 'UK'
    elif region_to_check=='Soviet Union':
        print('nothing found for {}'.format(region_out))
    return region_out

for i in range(len(df_games)):
    if len(x)<1:
        if len(x)<1:
#     print(x)
#     if len(x)<1:
#         print('----------------------------------')
games_id City Country Year Region Summer Winter Latitude Longitude
10 10 St. Moritz Switzerland 1928 Europe 0 1 46.4908 9.8355
11 11 Lake Placid USA 1932 North America 0 1 27.2931 81.3629
12 12 Los Angeles USA 1932 North America 1 0 34.0522 118.2437
13 13 Berlin Germany 1936 Europe 1 0 52.5200 13.4050
14 14 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany 1936 Europe 0 1 47.4919 11.0948
15 15 London UK 1948 Europe 1 0 51.5072 0.1276
16 16 St. Moritz Switzerland 1948 Europe 0 1 46.4908 9.8355
17 17 Helsinki Finland 1952 Europe 1 0 60.1699 24.9384
18 18 Oslo Norway 1952 Europe 0 1 59.9139 10.7522
19 19 Cortina d'Ampezzo Italy 1956 Europe 0 1 46.5405 12.1357
games_id Year Games City event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID event_id athlete_ID Name Sex Age Height Weight Team NOC Season Sport Event Medal
0 0 1896 1896 Summer Athina 380 380 380 380 380 380 217 46 49 380 380 380 380 380 143
1 1 1900 1900 Summer Paris 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1146 116 79 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 604
2 2 1904 1904 Summer St. Louis 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1027 213 147 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 486
3 3 1906 1906 Summer Athina 1733 1733 1733 1733 1733 1733 990 257 205 1733 1733 1733 1733 1733 458
4 4 1908 1908 Summer London 3101 3101 3101 3101 3101 3101 2452 475 483 3101 3101 3101 3101 3101 831
5 5 1912 1912 Summer Stockholm 4040 4040 4040 4040 4040 4040 3884 721 596 4040 4040 4040 4040 4040 941
6 6 1920 1920 Summer Antwerpen 4292 4292 4292 4292 4292 4292 3447 767 471 4292 4292 4292 4292 4292 1308
7 7 1924 1924 Winter Chamonix 460 460 460 460 460 460 403 89 41 460 460 460 460 460 130
8 8 1924 1924 Summer Paris 5233 5233 5233 5233 5233 5233 4148 885 649 5233 5233 5233 5233 5233 832
9 9 1928 1928 Summer Amsterdam 4992 4992 4992 4992 4992 4992 4119 853 670 4992 4992 4992 4992 4992 734
10 10 1928 1928 Winter Sankt Moritz 582 582 582 582 582 582 492 122 48 582 582 582 582 582 89
11 11 1932 1932 Winter Lake Placid 352 352 352 352 352 352 329 196 55 352 352 352 352 352 92
12 12 1932 1932 Summer Los Angeles 2969 2969 2969 2969 2969 2969 2662 1017 495 2969 2969 2969 2969 2969 647
13 13 1936 1936 Summer Berlin 6506 6506 6506 6506 6506 6506 6304 1056 909 6506 6506 6506 6506 6506 917
14 14 1936 1936 Winter Garmisch-Partenkirchen 895 895 895 895 895 895 884 136 78 895 895 895 895 895 108
15 15 1948 1948 Summer London 6405 6405 6405 6405 6405 6405 5233 1053 1040 6405 6405 6405 6405 6405 852
16 16 1948 1948 Winter Sankt Moritz 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1071 116 111 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 135
17 17 1952 1952 Summer Helsinki 8270 8270 8270 8270 8270 8270 7993 2038 2038 8270 8270 8270 8270 8270 897
18 18 1952 1952 Winter Oslo 1088 1088 1088 1088 1088 1088 1088 150 149 1088 1088 1088 1088 1088 136
19 19 1956 1956 Winter Cortina d'Ampezzo 1307 1307 1307 1307 1307 1307 1282 344 342 1307 1307 1307 1307 1307 150
20 20 1956 1956 Summer Melbourne 4829 4829 4829 4829 4829 4829 4256 2234 2232 4829 4829 4829 4829 4829 857
21 21 1956 1956 Summer Stockholm 298 298 298 298 298 298 258 108 106 298 298 298 298 298 36
22 22 1960 1960 Summer Roma 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 7906 7738 7675 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 911
23 23 1960 1960 Winter Squaw Valley 1116 1116 1116 1116 1116 1116 1108 536 512 1116 1116 1116 1116 1116 147
24 24 1964 1964 Winter Innsbruck 1778 1778 1778 1778 1778 1778 1765 1369 1348 1778 1778 1778 1778 1778 186
25 25 1964 1964 Summer Tokyo 7702 7702 7702 7702 7702 7702 7659 7430 7424 7702 7702 7702 7702 7702 1029
26 26 1968 1968 Winter Grenoble 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1872 1833 1817 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 199
27 27 1968 1968 Summer Mexico City 8588 8588 8588 8588 8588 8588 8489 8493 8493 8588 8588 8588 8588 8588 1057
28 28 1972 1972 Summer Munich 10304 10304 10304 10304 10304 10304 10211 10018 9928 10304 10304 10304 10304 10304 1215
29 29 1972 1972 Winter Sapporo 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1652 1640 1642 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 199
30 30 1976 1976 Winter Innsbruck 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1850 1343 1302 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 211
31 31 1976 1976 Summer Montreal 8641 8641 8641 8641 8641 8641 8600 8283 8280 8641 8641 8641 8641 8641 1320
32 32 1980 1980 Winter Lake Placid 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746 1745 1388 1374 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746 218
33 33 1980 1980 Summer Moskva 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 7005 6961 6967 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 1384
34 34 1984 1984 Summer Los Angeles 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454 9249 9032 9031 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454 1476
35 35 1984 1984 Winter Sarajevo 2134 2134 2134 2134 2134 2134 2123 1958 1954 2134 2134 2134 2134 2134 222
36 36 1988 1988 Winter Calgary 2639 2639 2639 2639 2639 2639 2635 2024 2018 2639 2639 2639 2639 2639 263
37 37 1988 1988 Summer Seoul 12037 12037 12037 12037 12037 12037 11931 11719 11730 12037 12037 12037 12037 12037 1582
38 38 1992 1992 Winter Albertville 3436 3436 3436 3436 3436 3436 3435 2785 2783 3436 3436 3436 3436 3436 318
39 39 1992 1992 Summer Barcelona 12977 12977 12977 12977 12977 12977 12934 10453 10473 12977 12977 12977 12977 12977 1712
40 40 1994 1994 Winter Lillehammer 3160 3160 3160 3160 3160 3160 3158 2973 2971 3160 3160 3160 3160 3160 331
41 41 1996 1996 Summer Atlanta 13780 13780 13780 13780 13780 13780 13772 11909 11959 13780 13780 13780 13780 13780 1842
42 42 1998 1998 Winter Nagano 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3603 3521 3519 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 440
43 43 2000 2000 Summer Sydney 13821 13821 13821 13821 13821 13821 13820 13698 13695 13821 13821 13821 13821 13821 2004
44 44 2002 2002 Winter Salt Lake City 4109 4109 4109 4109 4109 4109 4109 4080 4062 4109 4109 4109 4109 4109 478
45 45 2004 2004 Summer Athina 13443 13443 13443 13443 13443 13443 13443 13407 13406 13443 13443 13443 13443 13443 2001
46 46 2006 2006 Winter Torino 4382 4382 4382 4382 4382 4382 4382 4376 4366 4382 4382 4382 4382 4382 526
47 47 2008 2008 Summer Beijing 13602 13602 13602 13602 13602 13602 13600 13451 13443 13602 13602 13602 13602 13602 2048
48 48 2010 2010 Winter Vancouver 4402 4402 4402 4402 4402 4402 4402 4400 4378 4402 4402 4402 4402 4402 520
49 49 2012 2012 Summer London 12920 12920 12920 12920 12920 12920 12920 12752 12560 12920 12920 12920 12920 12920 1941
50 50 2014 2014 Winter Sochi 4891 4891 4891 4891 4891 4891 4891 4871 4673 4891 4891 4891 4891 4891 597
51 51 2016 2016 Summer Rio de Janeiro 13688 13688 13688 13688 13688 13688 13688 13512 13465 13688 13688 13688 13688 13688 2023

Create some smaller athlete tables

Finally the main athletes df file can be split the up by sex and season, since the id’s for different fields have been added

  • We don’t really need sex and Season so we can drop these
  • We can also reorder the index (not the athlete ID)
  • If Medals = NaN this probably means they didn’t get one. So we can replace medals with Gold, Silver and Bronze (one-hot encoding)
  • Instead of Games, Year, City lets replace with a uniques INT id. And put that data in another dataframe for cities
# split and Reset index, so it increases 1,2,3,4,etc

df_M_S = df[(df.Sex=='M') & (df.Season=='Summer')]
df_M_S.reset_index(inplace = True,drop=True)

df_F_S = df[(df.Sex=='F') & (df.Season=='Summer')]
df_F_S.reset_index(inplace = True,drop=True)

df_M_W = df[(df.Sex=='M') & (df.Season=='Winter')]
df_M_W.reset_index(inplace = True,drop=True)

df_F_W = df[(df.Sex=='F') & (df.Season=='Winter')]
df_F_W.reset_index(inplace = True,drop=True)
# Look at the data

event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID event_id games_id athlete_ID Name Sex Age Height Weight Team NOC Games Year Season City Sport Event Medal
0 672 672 13 7 391 Clarence John Abel M 23.0 185.0 102.0 United States USA 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Ice Hockey Ice Hockey Men's Ice Hockey Silver
1 1791 1791 205 7 992 Josef Adolf M 25.0 NaN NaN Czechoslovakia BOH 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Nordic Combined Nordic Combined Men's Individual NaN
2 1951 1951 300 7 1077 Xavier Affentranger M 26.0 NaN NaN Switzerland SUI 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Normal Hill, Individual NaN
3 1952 1952 385 7 1077 Xavier Affentranger M 26.0 NaN NaN Switzerland SUI 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Cross Country Skiing Cross Country Skiing Men's 18 kilometres NaN
4 1953 1953 205 7 1077 Xavier Affentranger M 26.0 NaN NaN Switzerland SUI 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Nordic Combined Nordic Combined Men's Individual NaN
5 2397 2397 305 7 1341 Johan Petter hln (Andersson-) M 44.0 NaN NaN Sweden SWE 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Curling Curling Men's Curling Silver
6 4040 4040 300 7 2329 Louis Albert M 25.0 NaN NaN France FRA 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Ski Jumping Ski Jumping Men's Normal Hill, Individual NaN
7 4249 4249 472 7 2431 Henri Eugne Aldebert M 43.0 NaN NaN France-1 FRA 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Bobsleigh Bobsleigh Men's Four/Five NaN
8 5103 5103 13 7 2902 Karl Ruben Allinger M 32.0 NaN NaN Sweden SWE 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Ice Hockey Ice Hockey Men's Ice Hockey NaN
9 5174 5174 7 7 2939 Ernst Alm M 23.0 174.0 NaN Sweden SWE 1924 Winter 1924 Winter Chamonix Cross Country Skiing Cross Country Skiing Men's 50 kilometres NaN
df_M_S = df_M_S.drop(columns=['Name','Sex','Season','City','Games','Sport','Event'])
df_F_S = df_F_S.drop(columns=['Name','Sex','Season','City','Games','Sport','Event'])
df_M_W = df_M_W.drop(columns=['Name','Sex','Season','City','Games','Sport','Event'])
df_F_W = df_F_W.drop(columns=['Name','Sex','Season','City','Games','Sport','Event'])
event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID event_id games_id athlete_ID Age Height Weight Team NOC Year Medal
0 30620 30620 268 7 15776 22.0 165.0 NaN France FRA 1924 NaN
1 30621 30621 242 7 15776 22.0 165.0 NaN France-1 FRA 1924 Bronze
2 63714 63714 242 7 32641 25.0 NaN NaN Austria AUT 1924 Gold
3 94058 94058 268 7 47618 11.0 155.0 45.0 Norway NOR 1924 NaN
4 94533 94533 242 7 47845 NaN NaN NaN Belgium BEL 1924 NaN

Seperate out medals

df_F_W = pd.get_dummies(df_F_W,columns=['Medal'])
df_M_W = pd.get_dummies(df_M_W,columns=['Medal'])
df_F_S = pd.get_dummies(df_F_S,columns=['Medal'])
df_M_S = pd.get_dummies(df_M_S,columns=['Medal'])
event_athlete_ID event_athlete_ID event_id games_id athlete_ID Age Height Weight Team NOC Year Medal_Bronze Medal_Gold Medal_Silver
0 3079 3079 191 0 1724 NaN NaN NaN Greece CRT 1896 0 0 0
1 3080 3080 92 0 1724 NaN NaN NaN Greece-3 CRT 1896 0 0 0
2 3081 3081 191 0 1725 NaN NaN NaN Greece CRT 1896 0 0 0
3 3082 3082 92 0 1725 NaN NaN NaN Greece-3 CRT 1896 0 0 0
4 7348 7348 100 0 4113 NaN NaN NaN Greece CRT 1896 0 0 0

Save it

