Olympics data with SQL and pandas- GDP and population

What is the effect of GDP and population on medals


Thomas H. Simm


Due to the global importance of the Olympics, in 2020 there was a broadcast audience of more than 3 billion, I was interested to explore whether countries with the most medals will reflect global politics. And to see if the countries with most influence get more medals.

There are two relatively easy to obtain metrics that can be used to define the importance of a nation internationally, GDP and population.

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period by countries. GDP is often used as a metric for international comparisons as well as a broad measure of economic progress. It is often considered to be the “world’s most powerful statistical indicator of national development and progress”. GDP Wikipedia.

The population of a country is an important parameter in assessing the global importance of a nation. Furthermore, the more people in a country the greater the pool of potential athletes.

In the final part of this page I will briefly look at how the Cold War was reflected in the Olympics data.


Get medals won by country and year

What we want to end up with is a new table with- - Nation - Number of medals - Event or year of the event - Then the details of nations we’re studying: - GDP - Population - Continent

To get a unique medal count for this, we can do a count by grouping on - Nation and Year But also on: - Medal type (Gold, Silver, Bronze) - Event id As we only know if a medal is unique for an athlete if the same medal type does not exist for another athlete in the same event at the same games (year). This is to avoid duplication for team sports. If it is a mixed event then we would need to do the grouping on data of male and female athletes.

From inside out

  1. Use UNION to join the males and female summer athletes
    • Get NOC, medal types, year, event_id
  2. Use GROUP BY to get unique medals and COUNT
  3. Use GROUP BY to get medals for countries in each event/year, SUM so we are adding up events
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandasql import sqldf
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
df_F_S =pd.read_csv('data/athlete_F_S')
# df_F_W=pd.read_csv('data/athlete_F_W')
# df_M_W=pd.read_csv('data/athlete_M_W')

df_all_athletes= pd.read_csv('data/all_athletes')
df_country= pd.read_csv('data/country')
df_event= pd.read_csv('data/event')
# df_games= pd.read_csv('data/games')
# df_population= pd.read_csv('data/population')

df_country = df_country.groupby('NOC').max()
Unnamed: 0 Nation Continent Population GDP
AFG 0 Afghanistan Asia 32890171 19807
ALB 1 Albania Europe 2829741 14800
ALG 2 Algeria Africa 45400000 145164
AND 3 Andorra Europe 79535 3155
ANG 4 Angola Africa 33086278 62307
ANT 5 Antigua Americas 99337 1415
ANZ 7 Australia Oceania 25921518 1330901
ARG 8 Argentina Americas 47327407 383067
ARM 9 Armenia Asia 2963900 12645
AUT 10 Austria Europe 9027999 428965
     sqldf('SELECT                                                 \
              NOC,                                                 \
              Year,                                                \
              SUM(counta)              AS num_medals               \
                FROM(SELECT                                        \
                    NOC,                                           \
                    Year,                                          \
                    event_id,                                      \
                    Medal_Bronze, Medal_Gold, Medal_Silver,        \
                    COUNT(*) as counta                             \
                        FROM(SELECT                                \
                            NOC,                                   \
                            Year,                                  \
                            event_id,                              \
                            Medal_Bronze, Medal_Gold, Medal_Silver \
                        FROM                                       \
                            df_F_S                                 \
                        WHERE Medal_Bronze=1 OR Medal_Gold=1 OR Medal_Silver \
                        UNION                                      \
                        SELECT                                     \
                            NOC,                                   \
                            Year,                                  \
                            event_id,                              \
                            Medal_Bronze, Medal_Gold, Medal_Silver \
                        FROM                                       \
                            df_M_S                                 \
                        WHERE Medal_Bronze=1 OR Medal_Gold=1 OR Medal_Silver) as MF                  \
                    GROUP BY                                       \
                        NOC, Year, event_id, Medal_Bronze, Medal_Gold, Medal_Silver\
                    ORDER BY                                       \
                        NOC) as inner                              \
            GROUP BY                                               \
                NOC, Year;',locals()) 

NOC Year num_medals
1246 USA 2016 121
246 CHN 2016 70
527 GBR 2016 67
415 EUN 2016 56
471 FRA 2016 42
497 FRG 2016 42
706 JPN 2016 41
38 ANZ 2016 29
669 ITA 2016 28
230 CAN 2016 22

Join with the country table

Now just join to the country table

     sqldf('SELECT                              \
              NOC,                              \
              Nation,                           \
              Continent,                        \
              SUM(num_medals)  AS number_of_medals,                  \
              Population,                       \
              GDP                               \
            FROM(                               \
                SELECT *                        \
                FROM                            \
                    df_country AS c             \
                INNER JOIN                      \
                    df_by_year AS d             \
                ON                              \
                    c.NOC=d.NOC                 \
                WHERE                           \
                    d.Year>=2008)               \
            GROUP BY                            \
                NOC,Continent                   \
            ORDER BY                            \
                num_medals desc;',locals())
NOC Nation Continent number_of_medals Population GDP
0 USA USA Americas 334 332906919 20936600
1 CHN China Asia 259 1412600000 14722731
2 EUN Russia Europe 210 147190000 1483498
3 GBR UK Europe 180 67081234 2707744
4 ANZ Australia Oceania 110 25921518 1330901
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99 TUN Tunisia Africa 7 11746695 39236
100 UAE United Arab Emirates Asia 1 9282410 421142
101 UGA Uganda Africa 1 42885900 37372
102 VEN Venezuela Americas 5 28705000 482359
103 VIE Vietnam Asia 3 98505400 271158

104 rows × 6 columns

Correlation in Population and GDP

First create a function to display correlations: - produce scatter plots - find which countries are poor correlation - find some correlation stats

def modname(string):
    string=string.replace('_',' ')
    return string
def doFigAddOns(nomX,nomY,fontsize):
        plt.ylabel(modname(nomY), fontsize=fontsize)
        plt.xlabel(nomX, fontsize=fontsize)
def scatter_combo(df_temp,xval,yval):
    # remove 0 values
    # drop NaNs 
    # values in millions
    # the names of the columns
    # define the x and y values
    # do some plots
    plt.rcParams['font.size'] = '13'
    # Fig A
    ax1.plot(X ,Y,'+b',markeredgewidth=2,ms=10)
    plt.plot(X,Ypred, '--k');
    # Fig B
    ax3.plot(X ,Y,'+b',markeredgewidth=2,ms=10)
    plt.plot(X,Ypred, '--k');

    # Fig C
    diffa = df_temp.loc[:,yval]-Ypred
    ax2.plot(X,diffa, 'xk',markeredgewidth=2,ms=10);
    doFigAddOns(nomX,'Difference between \nlinear fit',fontsize)

    # because sorted x, need to get original x back

    # Get some correlation values, and what are worst countries
    corr=scipy.stats.pearsonr(X, Y)
    print('Correlation of  = {:.2f} ({:.0e}) \n \
           And m= {:.3f} b={:.1f}          '.format(corr[0],corr[1],m,b))
    print('Countries worst correlation where overachive',diffa[country_hi_corr])
    print('Countries worst correlation where unachieve',diffa[country_low_corr])

    return pd.DataFrame(data=d)

def getCorr(df_temp, xval,yval):
    # remove 0 values
    # drop NaNs 
    # define the x and y values
    # Get some correlation values, and what are worst countries
    corr=scipy.stats.pearsonr(X, Y)
    print('Pearson Correlation of  = {:.2f} ({:.0e})'.format(corr[0],corr[1]))
    # Get some correlation values, and what are worst countries
    corr=scipy.stats.spearmanr(X, Y)
    print('Spearman Correlation of  = {:.2f} ({:.0e})'.format(corr[0],corr[1]))
Correlation of  = 0.84 (4e-29) 
            And m= 17.195 b=14.2          
Countries worst correlation where overachive Nation
Russia         170.270535
UK             119.219670
Australia       72.894435
France          59.020671
Germany         47.334168
Ukraine         41.104002
South Korea     37.742411
Italy           36.341876
Cuba            33.005895
Kazakhstan      26.858922
dtype: float64
Countries worst correlation where unachieve Nation
India                  -48.322884
USA                    -40.224834
Saudi Arabia           -25.259275
Indonesia              -22.420333
United Arab Emirates   -20.462293
Philippines            -19.436562
Israel                 -18.132356
Mexico                 -17.725355
Austria                -17.596809
Chile                  -17.570066
dtype: float64
Underachieve Overachieve
0 India Russia
2 Saudi Arabia Australia
3 Indonesia France
4 United Arab Emirates Germany
5 Philippines Ukraine
6 Israel South Korea
7 Mexico Italy
8 Austria Cuba
9 Chile Kazakhstan

Correlation of  = 0.42 (7e-06) 
            And m= 0.113 b=20.6          
Countries worst correlation where overachive Nation
USA            275.692534
Russia         172.705692
UK             151.769692
Germany         96.889859
France          89.679993
Australia       86.426756
China           78.529401
Japan           69.159606
Italy           55.694604
South Korea     53.504928
dtype: float64
Countries worst correlation where unachieve Nation
India          -165.076115
Indonesia       -41.444198
Nigeria         -40.164409
Philippines     -32.332446
Vietnam         -28.785832
Egypt           -26.362309
Sudan           -24.687085
Uganda          -24.492699
Saudi Arabia    -23.601957
Cameroon        -22.395235
dtype: float64
Underachieve Overachieve
0 India USA
1 Indonesia Russia
2 Nigeria UK
3 Philippines Germany
4 Vietnam France
5 Egypt Australia
6 Sudan China
7 Uganda Japan
8 Saudi Arabia Italy
9 Cameroon South Korea

Correlation of  = 0.93 (2e-16) 
            And m= 1.498 b=5.2          
Countries worst correlation where overachive Nation
UK                74.302826
Hungary           23.300286
Netherlands       23.269039
Belarus           19.808781
Denmark           17.002417
France            11.114933
Croatia            9.991807
Czech Republic     5.060035
Slovenia           4.658317
Lithuania          4.630427
dtype: float64
Countries worst correlation where unachieve Nation
Poland     -31.142356
Spain      -24.255647
Portugal   -16.682378
Russia     -15.733456
Austria    -14.709259
Romania    -12.930475
Belgium    -11.649525
Italy      -10.448382
Greece      -8.813758
Ukraine     -8.812069
dtype: float64
Underachieve Overachieve
0 Poland UK
1 Spain Hungary
2 Portugal Netherlands
3 Russia Belarus
4 Austria Denmark
5 Romania France
6 Belgium Croatia
7 Italy Czech Republic
8 Greece Slovenia
9 Ukraine Lithuania

Correlation of  = 0.49 (2e-05) 
            And m= 0.109 b=14.0          
Countries worst correlation where overachive Nation
USA            283.666410
Australia       93.134297
China           90.957076
Japan           76.277923
South Korea     60.318993
Canada          40.727568
Cuba            33.748715
Kazakhstan      27.859642
New Zealand     25.400672
Azerbaijan      19.852149
dtype: float64
Countries worst correlation where unachieve Nation
India          -152.808654
Indonesia       -33.720543
Nigeria         -32.669700
Philippines     -25.269105
Vietnam         -21.778878
Egypt           -19.334337
Sudan           -17.902477
Uganda          -17.715178
Saudi Arabia    -16.856911
Cameroon        -15.694183
dtype: float64
Underachieve Overachieve
0 India USA
1 Indonesia Australia
2 Nigeria China
3 Philippines Japan
4 Vietnam South Korea
5 Egypt Canada
6 Sudan Cuba
7 Uganda Kazakhstan
8 Saudi Arabia New Zealand
9 Cameroon Azerbaijan

Correlation of  = 0.80 (6e-09) 
            And m= 45.027 b=10.1          
Countries worst correlation where overachive Nation
Russia            133.114656
UK                 47.990590
Ukraine            40.906665
Belarus            26.198814
Hungary            25.932286
Croatia             8.392025
Czech Republic      4.946635
Denmark             4.919196
Netherlands         3.836572
Serbia              2.527421
dtype: float64
Countries worst correlation where unachieve Nation
Germany       -54.463232
Switzerland   -25.766716
Austria       -25.402938
Belgium       -22.291826
Ireland       -18.937224
Portugal      -16.500704
Spain         -15.776437
Finland       -14.300792
Italy         -12.028820
Sweden        -10.294891
dtype: float64
Underachieve Overachieve
0 Germany Russia
1 Switzerland UK
2 Austria Ukraine
3 Belgium Belarus
4 Ireland Hungary
5 Portugal Croatia
6 Spain Czech Republic
7 Finland Denmark
8 Italy Netherlands
9 Sweden Serbia

Correlation of  = 0.94 (2e-33) 
            And m= 16.234 b=8.7          
Countries worst correlation where overachive Nation
Australia      79.660038
South Korea    44.796081
Cuba           38.591086
Kazakhstan     32.508245
Kenya          28.660696
New Zealand    27.815933
Azerbaijan     25.573605
Canada         23.586944
Jamaica        23.041050
Brazil         19.812142
dtype: float64
Countries worst correlation where unachieve Nation
India                  -40.315038
Saudi Arabia           -19.100124
Indonesia              -15.916697
USA                    -14.609781
United Arab Emirates   -14.571357
Philippines            -13.602977
Israel                 -12.259868
Chile                  -11.840843
Venezuela              -11.565125
Mexico                 -11.204664
dtype: float64
Underachieve Overachieve
0 India Australia
1 Saudi Arabia South Korea
2 Indonesia Cuba
3 USA Kazakhstan
4 United Arab Emirates Kenya
5 Philippines New Zealand
6 Israel Azerbaijan
7 Chile Canada
8 Venezuela Jamaica
9 Mexico Brazil


df_GDP = df_GDP.sort_values('GDP',ascending=False)
rich_list = df_GDP.head(52).index
# # index_not_rich=[i for i,country in enumerate(df_.index) if (country not in rich_list) and (df_.iloc[i,2]!='Europe') and (df_.index[i]!='India')]
# # index_rich=[i for i,country in enumerate(df_.index) if ( (df_.iloc[i,2]!='Europe') )]
index_rich=[i for i,country in enumerate(df_.index) if (country in rich_list) ]
index_not_rich=[i for i,country in enumerate(df_.index) if (country not in rich_list) ]

print('         Index Rich- Population')
print('         Index Not Rich- Population')
print('         Index Rich- GDP')
print('         Index Not Rich- GDP')
         Index Rich- Population
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.37 (6e-03)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.30 (3e-02)
         Index Not Rich- Population
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.17 (2e-01)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.15 (3e-01)
         Index Rich- GDP
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.84 (7e-15)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.50 (2e-04)
         Index Not Rich- GDP
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.32 (2e-02)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.38 (6e-03)
print('         Index Europe- GDP')
print('         Index Not Europe- GDP')

print('         Index Europe- Population')
print('         Index Not Europe- Population')
         Index Europe- GDP
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.80 (6e-09)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.71 (1e-06)
         Index Not Europe- GDP
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.94 (2e-33)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.51 (1e-05)
         Index Europe- Population
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.93 (2e-16)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.81 (3e-09)
         Index Not Europe- Population
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.49 (2e-05)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.42 (3e-04)
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.84 (4e-29)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.60 (2e-11)
Pearson Correlation of  = 0.42 (7e-06)
Spearman Correlation of  = 0.41 (1e-05)
(None, None)

Overview of GDP and population

Hypothesis: GDP is correlated with Medals, and Population is too but less so

Methods Used

Looking at number of medals against GDP and population, for a period from 2008-2016 inclusive. Using population and GDP data from ~2020. - scatter plots - to visualize the relationships between medals and GDP, and medals and population. Both show a correlation - Pearson & Spearman correlation - To quatify the correlation seen. Pearson looks for a linear relationship whereas Spearman considers the ordering of the variables. The Pearson results showed a moderate to strong relationship for GDP and a weak to moderate relationship for population. The Spearman results were similar (more correlation for GDP) but the correlation values were lower. - I considered looking at the changes with time, but there were a lot of factors affecting country participation and the data was harder to obtain easily


Results were mainly as expected and hence PROVED.

  1. GDP
  • ALL = strong AND significant
  • Europe = strong AND significant
  • NOT Europe = very strong AND significant
  1. Population
  • ALL = moderate AND significant
  • Europe = very strong AND significant
  • NOT Europe = moderate AND significant

Using a line fit of the data (GDP or Population to Medals) gives an indication of which countries are reducing the correlation. If the country has more medals than the fit then it is overachieve and if it has less it is underachieveing. The table below shows which countries are under and overachieveing for GDP and population.

GDPCorr.rename(columns={'Overachieve':'GDP - Overachieve','Underachieve':'GDP - Underachieve'},inplace=True)
popCorr.rename(columns={'Overachieve':'Population - Overachieve','Underachieve':'Population - Underachieve'},inplace=True)

GDP - Underachieve GDP - Overachieve Population - Underachieve Population - Overachieve
0 India USA India Russia
1 Indonesia Russia USA UK
2 Nigeria UK Saudi Arabia Australia
3 Philippines Germany Indonesia France
4 Vietnam France United Arab Emirates Germany
5 Egypt Australia Philippines Ukraine
6 Sudan China Israel South Korea
7 Uganda Japan Mexico Italy
8 Saudi Arabia Italy Austria Cuba
9 Cameroon South Korea Chile Kazakhstan

So based on the above it may make sense to group countries based on their GDP, into a rich and poor list. But as shown above this doesn’t increase the correlation for either group.

The only useful metric to increase the correlation was to group the countries into those from Europe. This is probably due to the similarity of countries within Europe (and outside): size, GDP but also culturally; and it may be because the European countries have much greater participation at the Olympics (both over currently and historically).

Guide on Correlation

pd.DataFrame({'Correlation':['1','0.8 - 1.0','0.6 - 0.8','0.4 - 0.6','0.2 - 0.4','0 - 0.2'],\
   'Interpretation':['Pefect','Strong to Perfect','Moderate to Very Strong','Moderate to strong','Weak to moderate','Zero to weak']})
Correlation Interpretation
0 1 Pefect
1 0.8 - 1.0 Strong to Perfect
2 0.6 - 0.8 Moderate to Very Strong
3 0.4 - 0.6 Moderate to strong
4 0.2 - 0.4 Weak to moderate
5 0 - 0.2 Zero to weak
To determine whether the correlation between variables is significant, compare the p-value to your significance level. Usually, a significance level (denoted as α or alpha) of 0.05 works well. An α of 0.05 (5e-2) indicates that the risk of concluding that a correlation exists—when, actually, no correlation exists—is 5%. The p-value tells you whether the correlation coefficient is significantly different from 0. (A coefficient of 0 indicates that there is no linear relationship.)

- P-value ≤ α (5e-2): The correlation is statistically significant
    If the p-value is less than or equal to the significance level, then you can conclude that the correlation is different from 0. 
- P-value > α (5e-2): The correlation is not statistically significant
    If the p-value is greater than the significance level, then you cannot conclude that the correlation is different from 0. 



Number of athletes

A metric that would make sense to correlate with medals would be the number of athletes each nation sends to an Olympics. This is because, for the most part, participation is done on merit. That is athletes have to qualify against athletes from other nations.

So the metrics we want to look at are: - the number of athletes per nation attending a particular games - the number of medals per nation per games

NB I will just use male athletes for simplicity

Change in average athletes per continent

First, let us look if the greater number of athletes from Europe is also reflected in the average number of athletes each nation sends within each continent.

As shown below European countries send around twice as many athletes per nation as other continents.

tempa= sqldf('SELECT                                     \
            Year,                                        \
             Continent,                                  \
             AVG(numbers)  as ath_per_nation             \
        FROM(SELECT                                      \
            c.Continent,                                 \
            COUNT(*)           AS numbers                \
            FROM                                         \
                df_country as c                          \
            LEFT JOIN                                    \
                df_M_S as a                              \
            ON                                           \
                a.NOC = c.NOC                            \
            GROUP BY                                     \
                a.Year,c.Continent,c.Nation              \
            ORDER BY                                     \
                Year asc) A                              \
            GROUP BY                                     \

for i,continent in enumerate(tempa.Continent.unique()):
plt.ylabel('Number of male athletes\n per nation');

Athletes per nation VS medals per nation

To look at this correlation we need to do the following steps: - Join athletes with country tables - Group by Nation and whether they have a medal - Count this, this will give number of events with a medal - Then need to remove nations that didn’t get any medals - Get scatter and correlation of these - Group by continent and do the same

tempa= sqldf('SELECT                                     \
             Continent,                                  \
             Nation,                                     \
             Medal,                                      \
             SUM(numbers)   AS numbers                   \
        FROM(SELECT                                      \
            c.Continent,                                 \
            c.Nation,                                    \
            a.Medal,                                     \
            COUNT(*)           AS numbers                \
            FROM                                         \
                df_country as c                          \
            LEFT JOIN                                    \
                df_M_S as a                              \
            ON                                           \
                a.NOC = c.NOC                            \
            WHERE Year>2003                              \
            GROUP BY                                     \
                c.Continent,c.Nation,a.Medal_Gold,a.Medal_Silver,a.Medal_Bronze) A          \
            GROUP BY                                     \
                Continent, Nation,Medal;',locals())

tempa2= sqldf('SELECT                                     \
             Nation,                                     \
             COUNT(numbers)   AS numbers                 \
        FROM(SELECT                                      \
            a.athlete_ID,                                \
            c.Nation,                                    \
            COUNT(*)           AS numbers                \
            FROM                                         \
                df_country as c                          \
            LEFT JOIN                                    \
                df_F_S as a                              \
            ON                                           \
                a.NOC = c.NOC                            \
            WHERE Year=2016                              \
            GROUP BY                                     \
                c.NOC,a.athlete_ID,a.Year) A             \
            GROUP BY                                     \

tempa3= tempa[tempa.Medal==1]
    SELECT A.Nation,A.numbers as num_medals,B.numbers as num_ath                 \
    FROM tempa3 as A                              \
    LEFT JOIN tempa2 as B                         \
    ON A.Nation=B.Nation                          \
Nation num_medals num_ath
0 Algeria 4 10.0
1 Botswana 1 3.0
2 Egypt 9 37.0
3 Eritrea 1 1.0
4 Ethiopia 12 20.0
... ... ... ...
95 UK 245 159.0
96 Ukraine 51 117.0
97 Australia 251 212.0
98 Fiji 13 17.0
99 New Zealand 44 97.0

100 rows × 3 columns


print('Spearman correlation = {:.2f} ({:.0e}) \nand Pearson correlation= {:.2f} ({:.0e})'\

plt.xlabel('Athletes per nation')
plt.ylabel('Medals per nation');

p=np.poly1d( np.polyfit(x,y,2) )

Spearman correlation = 0.83 (3e-26) 
and Pearson correlation= 0.87 (5e-32)

Overview Medals VS Athletes per nation

As was expected there is a good correlation between the number of athletes a nation sends and the number of medals they get

What may also have been expected and shown in the data, is that the relationship is not linear. Instead the more athletes a nation sends the greater the medals/athlete ratio.

i.e. If a nation sends more athletes it is more likely that a higher proportion of them will win medals

Cold War

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, which began following World War II and ended in the early 1990s.

The conflict was based around the ideological and geopolitical struggle for global influence by these two superpowers.

The Soviet Union competed at the Olympics from 1952-1988. The Russian Empire had previously competed at the 1900, 1908 and 1912 Olympics games. In these games the best they ranked was 12th. In contrast the USA competed from the start of the Olympics and all subsequent games. In 1952 they were the most succesful nation, coming 1st in the medals table in 8 out of the previous 11 games (and second in the other 3).

The figures below show how during the Cold War period, The Soviet Union was able to compete with USA and in some cases beat them in the medals table. After this Cold War period the medals obtained by both the USA and the Soviet Union fell with respect to the totals from the European nations. Furthermore, USA reasserted it’s dominance after the Cold War period.

Wikipedia Cold War

def number_of_athletes_USA_USSR(df_F_S,df_M_S):
        SELECT                                 \
        Year,                              \
        NOCSMALL,                          \
        count(*) AS number_of_athletes,     \
        "F" AS Sex                          \
    FROM                                   \
         (SELECT                           \
         athlete_ID,                        \
         Year,                             \
         CASE                                \
            WHEN NOC IN ("FRA","ESP","ITA","POR","GBR","IRL","NED","BEL","DEN","SUI") THEN "WES"\
            WHEN NOC IN ("POL","ROU","UKR","LAT","BUL","HUN","LTU","LAT","BLR","ALB","SVK","AUT","EST","BIH","BOH") THEN "EST"\
            WHEN NOC="USA" THEN "USA"       \
            WHEN NOC="EUN" THEN "EUN"       \
            ELSE "ROW"\
            END AS NOCSMALL                \
         from df_F_S                       \
         group by athlete_ID,Year               \
         order by Year asc) A              \
     GROUP BY Year, NOCSMALL               \
     UNION ALL                                 \
     SELECT                                \
        Year,                              \
        NOCSMALL,                          \
        count(*) AS number_of_athletes,     \
        "M" AS Sex                          \
    FROM                                   \
         (SELECT                           \
         athlete_ID,                        \
         Year,                             \
         CASE                                \
            WHEN NOC IN ("FRA","ESP","ITA","POR","GBR","IRL","NED","BEL","DEN","SUI") THEN "WES"\
            WHEN NOC IN ("POL","ROU","UKR","LAT","BUL","HUN","LTU","LAT","BLR","ALB","SVK","AUT","EST","BIH","BOH") THEN "EST"\
            WHEN NOC="USA" THEN "USA"       \
            WHEN NOC="EUN" THEN "EUN"       \
            ELSE "ROW"\
            END AS NOCSMALL                \
         from df_M_S                       \
         group by athlete_ID,Year          \
         order by Year asc) A              \
     GROUP BY Year, NOCSMALL;',locals()  )
    return testa2

def number_of_medals_USA_USSR(df_F_S,df_M_S):
        SELECT                                 \
            COUNT(*) AS number_of_medals,\
            Year, Sex, NOCSMALL\
        FROM \
        (SELECT NOCSMALL,Year,Sex,COUNT(*) AS counta\
        FROM                                   \
         (SELECT                           \
         athlete_ID,                        \
         event_ID,                          \
         "F"   AS Sex,                      \
         Year,                             \
         CASE                                \
            WHEN NOC IN ("FRA","ESP","ITA","POR","GBR","IRL","NED","BEL","DEN","SUI") THEN "WES"\
            WHEN NOC IN ("POL","ROU","UKR","LAT","BUL","HUN","LTU","LAT","BLR","ALB","SVK","AUT","EST","BIH","BOH") THEN "EST"\
            WHEN NOC="USA" THEN "USA"       \
            WHEN NOC="EUN" THEN "EUN"       \
            ELSE "ROW"\
            END AS NOCSMALL                \
         from df_F_S                       \
         WHERE Medal_Gold=1 OR Medal_Silver=1 OR Medal_Bronze=1\
         UNION ALL                                 \
         SELECT                           \
         athlete_ID,                        \
         event_ID,                          \
         "M" AS Sex,                       \
         Year,                             \
         CASE                                \
            WHEN NOC IN ("FRA","ESP","ITA","POR","GBR","IRL","NED","BEL","DEN","SUI") THEN "WES"\
            WHEN NOC IN ("POL","ROU","UKR","LAT","BUL","HUN","LTU","LAT","BLR","ALB","SVK","AUT","EST","BIH","BOH") THEN "EST"\
            WHEN NOC="USA" THEN "USA"       \
            WHEN NOC="EUN" THEN "EUN"       \
            ELSE "ROW"\
            END AS NOCSMALL                \
         from df_M_S                       \
         WHERE Medal_Gold=1 OR Medal_Silver=1 OR Medal_Bronze=1\
         order by Year asc) A\
     GROUP BY \
         Year, NOCSMALL,event_id,Medal_Gold,Medal_Silver,Medal_Bronze)  AS B\
                 ;',locals()  )                                       
    return testa2

def yrplot(df__,whatplot= 'avg_weight'): 
    countries=['EST', 'EUN' ,'ROW', 'USA' ,'WES']
#     df__.NOCSMALL.unique()
#     countries=np.sort(countries)
#     ['EST' 'EUN' 'ROW' 'USA' 'WES']
#     'EST','USA','WES','ROW','EUN'

    for i,country in enumerate(countries):
        if country!='ROW':

    def doPlot(df_F,avgNo,whatplot,country,col,lw,ax1):
        bb = df_F[df__.NOCSMALL==country].Year.rolling(avgNo).mean()
        cc = df_F[df__.NOCSMALL==country][whatplot]
        cc = cc.rolling(avgNo).mean()
        return ax1

    for i,country in enumerate(countries):
        if country!='ROW':
    lega = ['East Europe','Russia','USA','West Europe']
    return ax1
yrplot(USA_USSR_medals[USA_USSR_medals.Sex=='F'],whatplot= 'number_of_medals')

yrplot(USA_USSR_medals[USA_USSR_medals.Sex=='M'],whatplot= 'number_of_medals')