Communicating code: Tables

Communicating tabular data


Thomas H. Simm

Tabular Data

  • How efficient is Excel when we are just viewing the data?
  • What other with code options to Excel are there?

Excel files

ChatGPT: What are the problems of Excel and xlsx files?

  1. Limited scalability: Excel has a limit on the number of rows and columns it can handle effectively.

  2. Inaccurate data: The manual nature of data entry in Excel can lead to errors and inaccuracies.

  3. Fragility: Complex Excel spreadsheets can break easily if any formula or cell reference is altered.

  4. Lack of security: Excel files are vulnerable to unauthorized access and malicious attacks.

  5. Slow performance: Large and complex Excel files can become slow to open and use, leading to decreased productivity.

  6. Compatibility issues: XLSX files may not be compatible with older versions of Excel, or with other software applications.

  7. Limited collaboration: Sharing Excel files and making changes to them can be difficult, especially when multiple people are involved.

For me it is the Slow performance alongside: (a) we are doing the data manipulation outside Excel anyway and (b) having to have another application open

ods with Excel

About 10 s to open 3 ods files with Excel

.ods converted to html in firefox browser

About 6 s to open 3 converted ods files in a browser

.ods converted to html firefox browser no new tabs

Almost instant when open converted ods files in same browser

What aspect of tables I am considering

Convert xlsx to html?

  • Opening xlsx files in Excel is slow
  • Converting to html if we don’t want to edit could be an option
  • If we are moving to Python/R aren’t non-Excel options worth considering??

Converting xlsx files to html

  • Seems the most obvious course
  • But it doesn’t seem that easy with code
    • but easy within Excel

What does chatgpt say to convert excel file?

Convert an excel file to html with python

What does chatgpt say without pandas?

convert excel file to html in python without pandas include the excel formatting such as column width

import pandas as pd

import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys

module_path = Path( os.getcwd() )
module_path = module_path.parent.parent.parent.__str__() + '\\Pesticide'

cwd = module_path

folder_path = os.path.join(cwd,'data')

sys.path.insert(0, module_path)

df2 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder_path,'combined_df.csv') ,index_col=0 )
# change data type of columns
df2['date_of_sampling'] = pd.to_datetime(df2['date_of_sampling'])


  • Since (in Python) we are mainly working with pandas. Let’s consider how pandas outputs can be modified.
  • pandas options

Some code functionality

# precision of all columns
pd.set_option("display.precision", 2)
# Or map as a string
df2['amount_pc_str'] = df2['amount_pc'].map(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
# some other options
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 20)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 0)

pandas basic

sample_id date_of_sampling description country_of_origin retail_outlet address brand_name packer_/_manufacturer_/_importer product address_postcode packer_postcode address_area packer_area chem_name amount_detected mrl amount_pc
0 1958/2016 2016-08-08 Bramley Apples UK Asda Creechbarrow Road, Taunton TA1 2AN Asda Asda Stores Ltd Leeds, UK LS11 5AD Apple TA1 2AN LS11 5AD Somerset West Yorkshire boscalid 0.03 2.0 0.015
1 1958/2016 2016-08-08 Bramley Apples UK Asda Creechbarrow Road, Taunton TA1 2AN Asda Asda Stores Ltd Leeds, UK LS11 5AD Apple TA1 2AN LS11 5AD Somerset West Yorkshire pyraclostrobin 0.01 0.5 0.020
2 0230/2016 2016-08-08 Bramley Apples UK Co-op Northgate, Louth LN11 0LT Co-op Co-operative Group Ltd Manchester M60 0AG Apple LN11 0LT M60 0AG Lincolnshire Greater Manchester boscalid 0.05 2.0 0.025
3 0230/2016 2016-08-08 Bramley Apples UK Co-op Northgate, Louth LN11 0LT Co-op Co-operative Group Ltd Manchester M60 0AG Apple LN11 0LT M60 0AG Lincolnshire Greater Manchester flonicamid (sum) 0.02 0.2 0.100
4 0230/2016 2016-08-08 Bramley Apples UK Co-op Northgate, Louth LN11 0LT Co-op Co-operative Group Ltd Manchester M60 0AG Apple LN11 0LT M60 0AG Lincolnshire Greater Manchester pyraclostrobin 0.03 0.5 0.060
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
35155 2858/2020 Organic 2020-10-20 Organic Sweet Potatoes Spain Tesco 300 Beverley Way, New Malden KT3 4PJ Tesco Tesco Stores Ltd Welwyn Garden City AL7 1GA Sweet_Potatoes_Q4_(BNA) KT3 4PJ AL7 1GA Greater London Hertfordshire 0 0.00 0.0 0.000
35156 0562/2020 Organic 2020-10-05 Organic Duchy Sweet Potatoes Egypt Waitrose Mill Lane, Swindon SN1 7BX Waitrose Waitrose Ltd Doncastle Road, Bracknell, Berksh... Sweet_Potatoes_Q4_(BNA) SN1 7BX RG12 8YA Wiltshire Berkshire 0 0.00 0.0 0.000
35157 0563/2020 2020-10-05 Sweet Potatoes USA Waitrose Mill Lane, Swindon SN1 7BX Waitrose Waitrose Ltd Doncastle Road, Bracknell, Berksh... Sweet_Potatoes_Q4_(BNA) SN1 7BX RG12 8YA Wiltshire Berkshire 0 0.00 0.0 0.000
35158 2601/2020 2020-10-14 Sweet Potatoes USA Waitrose Ossington Way, Newark NG24 1FF Waitrose Waitrose Ltd Doncastle Road, Bracknell, Berksh... Sweet_Potatoes_Q4_(BNA) NG24 1FF RG12 8YA Nottinghamshire Berkshire 0 0.00 0.0 0.000
35159 2601/2020 2020-10-14 Sweet Potatoes USA Waitrose Ossington Way, Newark NG24 1FF Waitrose Waitrose Ltd Doncastle Road, Bracknell, Berksh... Sweet_Potatoes_Q4_(BNA) NG24 1FF RG12 8YA Nottinghamshire Berkshire 0 0.00 0.0 0.000

35160 rows × 17 columns

pandas overview

  • Using pandas we can control various outputs
  • But these still need a format to display within
  • And display functionality is not easy

Or convert to a html file


But using a style sheet as shown in stack overflow by Parfait

df_out = df2.iloc[:500].copy()

pd.set_option('colheader_justify', 'center')   # FOR TABLE <th>

html_string = '''
  <head><title>HTML Pandas Dataframe with CSS</title></head>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="df_style.css"/>

with open('df2_500.html', 'w') as f:


from ipydatagrid import DataGrid, TextRenderer, VegaExpr
import ipydatagrid
datagrid = DataGrid(df2, selection_mode="cell", editable=True,
                   base_row_size=32, base_column_size=150)

datagrid = DataGrid(df2, base_row_size=30, base_column_size=150)

itables code

from itables import init_notebook_mode

import itables
from itables import init_notebook_mode

import itables
sample_id date_of_sampling description country_of_origin retail_outlet address brand_name packer_/_manufacturer_/_importer product address_postcode packer_postcode address_area packer_area chem_name amount_detected mrl amount_pc
Loading... (need help?)


Downloaded 800,000 times per month, Dash is the original low-code framework for rapidly building data apps in Python, R, Julia, and F# (experimental).

import as px
from jupyter_dash import JupyterDash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output# Load Data
df = Build App
app = JupyterDash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div([
    html.H1("JupyterDash Demo"),
            id='colorscale-dropdown', clearable=False,
            value='plasma', options=[
                {'label': c, 'value': c}
                for c in px.colors.named_colorscales()
])# Define callback to update graph
    Output('graph', 'figure'),
    [Input("colorscale-dropdown", "value")]
def update_figure(colorscale):
    return px.scatter(
        df, x="total_bill", y="tip", color="size",
        render_mode="webgl", title="Tips"
    )# Run app and display result inline in the notebook
C:\Users\44781\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_15260\ UserWarning: 
The dash_core_components package is deprecated. Please replace
`import dash_core_components as dcc` with `from dash import dcc`
  import dash_core_components as dcc
C:\Users\44781\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_15260\ UserWarning: 
The dash_html_components package is deprecated. Please replace
`import dash_html_components as html` with `from dash import html`
  import dash_html_components as html


A faster way to build and share data apps

  • Dash can be run within a notebook but is principally an app.
  • Streamlit is a similar app.
  • But much easier to code.
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
all_dfs = pd.read_csv("./data/combined_df.csv")

And more


DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, built upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, that adds all of these advanced features to any HTML table.

Jupyter widgets

If you are looking for Jupyter widgets, have a look at (taken from - QGrid by Quantopian - IPyaggrid by Louis Raison and Olivier Borderies - IPySheet by QuantStack.

Overview on Tables